Solution Focused Counselling and Mediation Services

online and phone services


Why I Do This Work

Life transitions can be stressful. I would enjoy helping you discover a way forward when you are feeling hesitant and uneasy in the face of change or conflict. I feel honored to support you at such a pivotal time in your life to mobilize your courage, wisdom and creativity. Every day I find this line of work to be gratifying and humanizing. 

 My mission is to provide supportive and flexible services needed to address your unique challenges. If you are on a journey of self- discovery and personal growth or wanting to overcome conflict in your inner or outer relationships, I am here for you. I have learned a great deal from the fears, tears joys and courage of others as well as from my own journey. I am good at opening conversations and sensing where they need to go while holding a space for what is important to you to share. Counselling can be a refreshing experience where you can talk, laugh cry and be heard without judgement. A place to question and dissolve limited beliefs about yourself. Mediation can be a place to find common ground and create solutions and agreements that mend and strengthen relationships and build deeper understanding. In the area of separation and divorce, the mediation process will assist you to move forward in a more amicable way.

Helping You Move Forward