
Fees vary depending on the type of services you choose.

Individual Counselling, 50 minutes: $110(GST included) or any portion there after. Book Now 

Couple or Family, 50 minutes: $130(GST included) or any portion there after. Book Now 

Mediation 50 minutes: $130(GST included) or any portion there after. Book Now 

Fees will be charged for time spent for online and phone call Counselling and, Mediation services; additional fees for answering lengthy emails or phone calls and reviewing and drafting your Memorandum of Understanding. Each parent pays fees for their individual appointments or lengthy email/phone calls. Fees for joint meetings are split between both parents unless you agree otherwise. No retainer is required. Fees are paid after each appointment

Please note that fees are subject to change without notice.  You can make payments by Paypal or etransfer.


I maintain a mostly paperless office and will send you digital forms for Separation Agreements etc.

Services currently available by phone and video.